LoL Franchise: Lunar New Year 2022
Riot Games
Lunar New Year is just insane. It is incredibly hard to grasp the scale and importance of the holiday fully; it’s like Christmas combined with the Superbowl but covered in red paint. Riot decided to drop this into my lap along with an international team in spread across 5 different countries to put together the largest campaign the studio had ever done up to that point. Every country took on a different aspect of the campaign with myself put unsteadily in the driver’s seat. This campaign turned into a whole graduate program about the ins and outs of advertising in East Asia and how to work with so many different cultures and their competing goals.
When our campaign first landed we were told that the then President of Singapore loved the CG trailer. One of her children was a fan of Riot and showed it to her and she apparently got a little misty-eyed by the end. As far as I’m concerned this is now in textbooks and etched into the history of a great country.
At the end of the day, I am incredibly happy with what landed and the global results and player sentiment were through the roof.